Uh Oh,   -   we have a problem here...........
You have not provided a BOOK TITLE - Mandatory - MUST BE FILLED

Most users will search on the title, or part of it.
Not providing a title simply does not make sense ?????

You have not provided any AUTHOR text - Mandatory - MUST BE FILLED

Some users will search on an author surname, or part of it, especially if the name is unusual. For this reason we encourage you to provide an author name.
If there are multiple authors, then simply list the last names separated by commas.
If you do not know the author name, or an author is not associated with this book, then simply enter "unknown" or "n/a".

The PRICE provided is LESS THAN R1.00 - Mandatory - MUST BE CHANGED

The system requires a price of at least R1,00 to assist people who have overlooked of mistyped in this field.
A price of zero is not acceptable.
The decimal separator (usually not required) is a decimal point (full stop) and not a comma.
Please correct.

Your mail will not be delivered to the Mail Server until data supplied is correct.

You will now need to correct the data entered................

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